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Anchor 2

Nonna Angie:
Landlady & Lifeline

Only Rats in the Building

The Woman
in Unit 2

Checks &

Gretchen, Who Moves Through Doors

Tell Me Lais Tell Me Sweet Little Lais

The Scooter That Launched a Thousand Passive Aggressive Notes

How's The Battle?

Ch- Ch- Changes

This isn't the Railroad You Know
Anchor 1
Hi! I'm Rachel. I live, work, play, and write in Boston. Massachusetts has always been my home. So, along with roughly everyone else in the state, I attended UMass Amherst and then returned to the city after graduation. When I'm not writing or helping my landlady exterminate rats from my apartment building, I'm usually guzzling coffee, hitting my yoga mat, or traveling in search of a great adventure.

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